Generate a basic module

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Define the basics for your new generated module.

Choose the module type you want to create.
Choose the module type you want to create.
Specify the name you want for your module (alpha-numeric characters only and 5 characters minimum).
Enter the name that will be display in the back-office (on the "Modules" page).
Add a description for your module to help merchants to understand what he should use your module for (200 characters maximum).
Give your name or the name of your company.


Configure the settings for your new generated module.

Do you want to display a confirmation message when the merchant tries to uninstall the module?
Enter the message you want to display when the merchant tries to uninstall the module.

Does your module need a database table?

Should the module's main class be loaded on the back-office "Modules" page?
Choose the version of PrestaShop you want your module to be compliant from.
Choose the version of PrestaShop you want your module to be compliant to.


Choose the hooks you want your module to be placed on.