PrestaShop's Validator PrestaShop's modules validator changelog Changelog v.5.0.1 <i>Released on 2022-10-25</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : In Licenses tab, remove check of space after file block as it was conflicting with another rule in Standard tab.</li><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Fix an issue in Compatibility happening with payment modules</li></ul> Changelog v.5.0.0 <i>Released on 2022-10-18</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Authentication goes through PrestaShop Account</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Removed compatibility options from upload form</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Exported a page about validation from the Open-Source project documentation</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Updated links to documentation in the validation tabs</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Upgraded to Laravel Framework 9</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Upgraded dependencies and PHP</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : PHP traits & __DIR__ constants aren't reported anymore</li><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : base64_decode, base64_encode, stripslashes, strlen, strtolower, strtoupper, substr, ucfirst are allowed</li><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : “Standard” Tab has been reworked. It used to run CodeSniffer with the PSR2 rules set, it now runs PHP-CS-Fixer with rules for Symfony. Text at the top of the tab has been updated to introduce PHP-CS-Fixer</li><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : “Compatibility” Tab as been reworked. The validator used to parse the module code and compare it with the Core dictionary of classes/methods/functions. It now runs PHPStan along with recent versions of PrestaShop (> 1.7.6). If the compliancy covers older versions of PrestaShop, the old process will still be run.</li></ul> Changelog v.4.6.7 <i>Released on 2020-03-24</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixes an issue happening with codesniffer when a module had many PHP files</li></ul> Changelog v.4.6.0 <i>Released on 2020-07-09</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Improve compatibility with PHP 7.4</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Update library squizlabs/php_codesniffer</li></ul> Changelog v.4.5.0 <i>Released on 2020-06-09</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Update PHP version to PHP 7.4</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Update library knplabs/github-api</li></ul> Changelog v.4.4.0 <i>Released on 2019-09-30</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[API]</strong> : Added a route /rules to provide details on the checks run by the validator</li></ul> Changelog v.4.3.1 <i>Released on 2019-09-25</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[API]</strong> : API Json result wasn't Backward compatible.</li></ul> Changelog v.4.3.0 <i>Released on 2019-09-23</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Starting from this version, links to the developer documentation will be added to the validation reports. They aim to provide the reasons and the solution of a given error.</li></ul> Changelog v.4.2.0 <i>Released on 2019-09-13</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Using composer in modules for dependencies requires "prepend-autoloader: false;" to be set. This prevents undefined core classes errors, caused by the inclusion of the same libraries on a different version.</li></ul><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module generator]</strong> : The user cannot go to the step 2 anymore until the technical name complies with the given conditions.</li></ul> Changelog v.4.1.3 <i>Released on 2019-05-14</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Remove check for long syntax arrays</li></ul> Changelog v.4.1.2 <i>Released on 2018-11-09</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Changes regarding storage issues.</li></ul> Changelog v.4.1.1 <i>Released on 2018-10-10</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Improve stability on PHP 7.2.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Theme validation]</strong> : Remove Prestatrust check, not applicable.</li></ul><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[API]</strong> : Return JSON on authentication failure.</li></ul> Changelog v.4.1.0 <i>Released on 2018-10-09</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Reporting]</strong> : PDF reporting was using too much resources from the validator, making it often unavailable. Reports are now lighter, in txt.</li></ul> Changelog v.4.0.0 <i>Released on 2018-07-20</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Upgraded to Laravel Framework 5.5</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Upgraded dependancies</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : PHP 7.2 ready !</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Updated to be high availability compliant</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Insights]</strong> : Fixed an issue on graphs with nulled values, preventing them to be displayed.</li></ul> Changelog v.3.4.0 <i>Released on 2018-04-18</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Add details about PrestaTrust compliancy in 1.7 module validations</li></ul> Changelog v.3.3.3 <i>Released on 2018-02-14</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[PDF Report]</strong> : Fix issue when the PDF content has "<" or ">".</li></ul> Changelog v.3.3.2 <i>Released on 2017-12-22</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Fix issue preventing a exception to be displayed when a preliminary step cannot complete.</li></ul> Changelog v.3.3.1 <i>Released on 2017-11-29</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Miscellaneous]</strong> : Add redirect from old to new index page, with notice. Please update your bookmarks if you still use /module as the main page.</li></ul><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Fix issue preventing the validator to run codesniffer rules.</li></ul> Changelog v.3.3.0 <i>Released on 2017-11-01</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[API]</strong> : Create one single route for modules and themes validation.</li><li><strong>[API]</strong> : Add details about addon being validated</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Theme validation]</strong> : PDF reporting can now handle themes. The export button is available on the validation page.</li></ul> Changelog v.3.2.0 <i>Released on 2017-10-24</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Added / adapted some module validation steps for themes</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Theme validation]</strong> : Tab structure is now available</li><li><strong>[Theme validation]</strong> : Tab errors is now available</li><li><strong>[Theme validation]</strong> : Tab licenses is now available</li><li><strong>[Theme validation]</strong> : Tab security is now available</li></ul> Changelog v.3.1.0 <i>Released on 2017-09-22</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Fix the number of errors & warnings registration after a change in the routing system</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module insights]</strong> : Graph values are now calculated in the controllers, making them never empty in case of trouble</li></ul> Changelog v.3.0.0 <i>Released on 2017-08-24</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Introduce 1.7 Theme validation in the validator.</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Interfaces updated for theme details.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.17.8 <i>Released on 2017-07-13</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Compatibility]</strong> : Fixes an issue where methods / functions / classes, marked as deprecated for only some version of PrestaShop, were marked as deprecated from version X until the last one</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[PS Guide]</strong> : Update guide content until PS &</li></ul> Changelog v.2.17.7 <i>Released on 2017-06-13</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - API]</strong> : Handle errors during module upload and return details instead of HTTP error 500.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.17.6 <i>Released on 2017-05-19</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Minor fix for namespaced classes.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.17.5 <i>Released on 2017-04-11</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : In case of error, we now suggest you to send us an email with your module. This will allow us to reproduce the error.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.17.4 <i>Released on 2017-03-24</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation (API)]</strong> : Brought forgotten PrestaShop 1.7 option.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.17.3 <i>Released on 2017-03-23</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Warmup]</strong> : Add exception handler when a PHP syntax error is found in the module.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Error]</strong> : Add exception handler when a PHP syntax error is found in the module.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.17.2 <i>Released on 2017-03-08</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Structure]</strong> : The validator now checks the module is in exactly ONE subfolder.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.17.1 <i>Released on 2017-03-08</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Compatibility]</strong> : Do not check if your functions / methods / classes calls are defined in external libraries.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.17.0 <i>Released on 2017-02-27</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Summary]</strong> : Replace 'reporting' tab with 'summary' tab. Display main information about the module and link to the report.</li><li><strong>[Module validation - Summary]</strong> : Add module details in report</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module generator]</strong> : Licences in generated modules always have the current year.</li></ul><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Structure]</strong> : Fix a issue saying some libraries were already included in PrestaShop.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.16.0 <i>Released on 2017-02-24</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Warmup]</strong> : Improve stability when module is still in temporary cache.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Compatibility]</strong> : Fix an issue with functions declared in a namespaced file.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Error]</strong> : Fix an issue where the validator told you to replace $_GET and _POST with Tools::getValue(), although you set a value.</li></ul><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Add checks to avoid multiple execution of the same code in the validation page.</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Add tooltip on code comments, displaying full path to your file and the line.</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : The success message is now a Bootstrap modal and can be closed. :D</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Error]</strong> : Improve message 'Hard coded images types are forbidden' by explaining how to proceed.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.15.0 <i>Released on 2016-12-08</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Updated PhpCodeSniffer component from 1.5 to 2.7. PSR2 sniffs have been updated but are still fixable with PHP CS Fixer.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Compatibility]</strong> : The validator now requires you to init your arrays with the long syntax `array()` instead of the short one `[]`.</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Improve global stability</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Structure]</strong> : The validator does not throw an error anymore, when an icon in the module root folder is related to a ModuleAdminController.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.14.0 <i>Released on 2016-12-01</i><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : When you have large reports on a tab, scrolling keeps the left panel sticky. Selecting another validation tab is now easier.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Compatibility]</strong> : The validator is now able to tell you when you use a deprecated core class / method / function.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.13.1 <i>Released on 2016-11-30</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Compatibility]</strong> : Developers can now use the class PaymentOption in any file they want, the check won't only be done in the main class.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Errors]</strong> : Improves check on CREATE / DROP TABLE statements, where generic strings were detected as unsafe.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.13.0 <i>Released on 2016-11-23</i><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Add a warmup on the validation process, which will pre-cache all parsed PHP files used in the next steps</li></ul> Changelog v.2.12.3 <i>Released on 2016-11-21</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Compatibility]</strong> : Improve stability</li><li><strong>[Module validation - Compatibility]</strong> : Internal PHP methods were not loaded properly, giving false results about 'undefined methods used'</li></ul> Changelog v.2.12.2 <i>Released on 2016-11-15</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Main page]</strong> : Fix an issue with the 'proceed validation' button, staying disabled on Firefox when the user goes back in the browser history.</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Add temorary cache (5min) for parsed PHP files.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Compatibility]</strong> : Decreased validation time by ~54%.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.12.1 <i>Released on 2016-11-07</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Errors]</strong> : Fix PHP error happening when you had an 'elseif' in your functions install() or uninstall().</li></ul> Changelog v.2.12.0 <i>Released on 2016-10-27</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Namespaces are now handled properly during PHP parsing</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Namespaced classes from the core will appear properly in the PS Guide</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Display all available options on the home page</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Remove message from validation results 'A file should declare new symbols (classes, functions, constants, etc.) and cause no other side effects, or it should execute logic with side effects, but should not do both.'</li><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Using external libraries with namespaces is now properly checked</li><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Undefined functions with potential namespace are now displayed as a warning. This can be properly checked only on compile time.</li></ul><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Standards]</strong> : Remove message from validation results 'A file should declare new symbols (classes, functions, constants, etc.) and cause no other side effects, or it should execute logic with side effects, but should not do both.'</li></ul> Changelog v.2.11.0 <i>Released on 2016-10-20</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Refactored internal structure of the validator to handle mutiple versions of validation</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Added validation rules specific to PrestaShop 1.7 (beta)</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Add new level of comment: notices</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Add PrestaShop 1.7 in PS Guide</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Display better message when 'UTF-8' was missing from escaped variables</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module Generator]</strong> : Add missing hook 'displayAdminProductsExtra'</li><li><strong>[Module Generator]</strong> : Add hooks introduced in PrestaShop 1.7</li></ul><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Fix GitHub OAuth login</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Errors]</strong> : Do not display error for SQL request 'SHOW CREATE TABLE'</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Module validation - Security]</strong> : Add link to a tool which can add missing index.php files</li></ul> Changelog v.2.10.2 <i>Released on 2016-07-25</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Fix errors on module submission, about undefined $value and $name attributes</li></ul> Changelog v.2.10.1 <i>Released on 2016-07-04</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Fix wrong message displayed with SQL request 'CREATE TABLE' missing its 'IF NOT EXISTS' (Reported by Maxence)</li></ul> Changelog v.2.10.0 <i>Released on 2016-06-27</i><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Upgraded to Laravel Framework 5.2</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Upgraded nikic/php-parser component</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : PHP 7 / MySQL 5.7 ready !</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Functions install & uninstall will now be checked, because they MUST return a value. A forgotten value means for PrestaShop something went wrong.</li><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : Some SQL requests are now checked. On table creation or deletion, you MUST add a "IF (NOT) EXISTS" to avoid DatabaseExceptions.</li><li><strong>[Module validation]</strong> : .gitmodules file is not checked anymore.</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Platform]</strong> : PSR option is now kept in memory.</li><li><strong>[Platform]</strong> : "New: PSR-2 option" is removed.</li></ul> Changelog v.2.9.2 <i>Released on 2015-11-26</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : strval (Smarty modifier) is not allowed anymore</li></ul> Changelog v.2.9.1 <i>Released on 2015-09-28</i><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Implement notification for future major releases</li></ul><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Improved stability</li></ul> Changelog v.2.9.0 <i>Released on 2015-09-18</i><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Remove duplicate lines in PDF report</li></ul><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Handle parse errors in config.xml</li></ul><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module generator]</strong> : Module generated follow PSR-2 standard</li></ul> Changelog v.2.8.0 <i>Released on 2015-08-19</i><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : PSR-2 option is checked by default</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Add comparison of module attributes between config.xml file and module main class</li></ul> Changelog v.2.7.6 <i>Released on 2015-08-12</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with licences in module libraries</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with syntax error check in non-ascii files</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add activity graph about user validations</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Changed some details in PDF report</li></ul> Changelog v.2.7.5 <i>Released on 2015-07-20</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with namespaces error messages</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with excluded paths & assets</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with security validation (was not checking every tags properly)</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with PDF reporting & PSR-2</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add info about coding standard used for validation</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Disallow more system program execution functions (passthru, shell_exec, system, etc.)</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Allow the use of 'json_encode' as a Smarty escape modifier</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Detect BOM markers</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Autogenerated file 'Thumbs.db' must now be removed from the modules content</li></ul> Changelog v.2.7.3 <i>Released on 2015-06-29</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module generator]</strong> : Fixed typo in block comment (hookUpdateCarrier)</li></ul> Changelog v.2.7.2 <i>Released on 2015-06-25</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Improve security checks with '{literal}' and Smarty comments</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Allow '|count' Smarty modifier</li></ul> Changelog v.2.7.1 <i>Released on 2015-06-23</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Smarty escape modifiers were not checked correctly</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with module's validation name</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with PDF reports generator</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with unrecognized zip archives</li></ul><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Remove 'copy()' function calls from checklist</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Improve translations detection in Smarty templates</li></ul> Changelog v.2.7.0 <i>Released on 2015-06-01</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : An error is now displayed when the module name is not properly defined</li></ul><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Module generator]</strong> : Module generated follow latest PrestaShop standards</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add API key management</li><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add warning message for PSR-2</li><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Rebranding with new PrestaShop's logo</li><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Show / hide PrestaShop 1.4 compatibility checkbox</li></ul> Changelog v.2.6.1 <i>Released on 2015-04-22</i><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Improve stability from review of the previous version</li></ul> Changelog v.2.6.0 <i>Released on 2015-04-22</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with extension checked</li></ul><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Add some items in the list of forbidden files / folders</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Better checks for Smarty 'escape' modifiers</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Check for the use of copy()</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Check that text files are 'utf-8' encoded</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Check that translations are enclosed in single quotes</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Ignore camel caps format for upgrade functions</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Move parse errors in 'Errors' tab</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add RSS feed for changelogs</li></ul> Changelog v.2.5.4 <i>Released on 2015-03-16</i><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Improve stability</li></ul> Changelog v.2.5.3 <i>Released on 2015-02-25</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Fixed bug with Google Fonts</li></ul><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Check for the existence of '' file</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Add exceptions handler (404)</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Update core components</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add dates on changelogs</li><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Improve the changelog system</li></ul> Changelog v.2.5.2 <i>Released on 2015-02-19</i><h3>Bug fix</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Fixed issues with the exceptions handler</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Fixed bug with routes (authentication)</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Reporting]</strong> : Fixed bug when line is too long</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with __MACOSX folders</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug with fonts storage path</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed bug when a module's file is empty</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed ignored paths issues</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed issues with relatives paths</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Fixed loading modal issue</li></ul><h3>Changes</h3><ul><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Accept "_" (underscores) in module names</li><li><strong>[Validation]</strong> : Disallow upper case in module names</li></ul><h3>Improvements</h3><ul><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Add exceptions handler (404)</li><li><strong>[Core]</strong> : Update core components</li></ul><ul><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add changelog feature</li><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add module's validation source (zip file, Git, etc.)</li><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add new web fonts</li><li><strong>[Plateform]</strong> : Add redirection when going to authentication</li></ul>